Once again, it is time to update alumni members with upcoming events and other news. It is hard to believe that the annual Madison County Bridge Festival will be here soon and with that event the All Class Reunion will be held that weekend. So, mark your calendar for the 2nd weekend of October (the 14TH and 15th).
The All Class Reunion will be at the Jackson Building on Saturday, October 14th from 5-9pm where you will be able to gather, visit with WHS graduates and renew your membership. Food and beverages will be available until gone for those attending. A free will donation is appreciated to help cover food & beverage costs. We will be taking pictures of classes in attendance—Carol Bassett will be the photographer. There is also a class challenge to see which class has the most in attendance and also to determine the oldest alumni attending. Board member Micki Ustler is in charge of registration for this event. You will not be disappointed with reminiscing and enjoying time spent with classmates.
In addition to the All Class Reunion, you are invited to the Alumni Hospitality Room at the F&M Bank Community Room Saturday Afternoon for rest and refreshments. Time is from 1-4pm and be sure to thank Marilyn Fairholm who is the Alumni Board member in charge and the volunteers who are there to provide you with a place to relax.
While you are in Winterset for the Bridge Festival, be sure to stop at the John Wayne Museum complex to see the Madison County Freedom Rock that the American Legion and VFW Posts sponsored. It is a very special tribute to all Military Veterans from Madison County and has images of four POW’s on one side of the rock who are from Madison County—Carl Hircock, Larry Spencer, Eddie Benge and Don Thomas.
Your Alumni Board has welcomed new members to the board—Randy and Paige Henry as well as Sam Anker. Be sure to thank them for their willingness to bring new ideas and leadership to the board. Jennifer Stover, who is the lead board member for the WHS Alumni Hall of Fame program, is working with the WHS administration to finalize plans for this program. More information will be forthcoming.
Until my next blog keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, renew your membership and remain active. If you are currently not a member, please consider joining. You can go to our website at www.wintersetalumni.org and sign up as well as find out about the Association.
A continuing item of importance to alumni is to please only use the web site that is for our association. There is a site that some have gotten on which says it is the Winterset Alumni site. This is incorrect so please do not sign up for their products or membership. Please avoid this site. The address is www.alumniclass.com/winterset.
Rod Beem, President