A big shout out to Board member Jennifer Stover who has been posting pictures and other items on our Husky Newsletter Facebook page. There have been many positive comments about this newest idea to keep alumni updated. Be sure to keep checking out the alumni web site for information, pictures and other items about your organization.
On Friday, September 11th the Winterset School District honored all active military and veterans at the home football game. In addition, First Responders and Firemen were also honored. This was a wonderful tribute to these individuals who have given their time and dedication to helping our country and community. Homecoming is September 25th and alumni are encouraged to attend the game and reminisce about their homecoming game and dance whether it was last year or many years ago. I am sure each and every one of you has a special memory about that day.
The next issue of the Husky will be coming out this month and there just might be something in this issue about the Covered Bridge Festival from years ago. Speaking about the Bridge Festival, reminder it is the 2nd full weekend in October which is October 10th and 11th this year. My October blog will provide information as to the Hospitality Room and the All Class/School Reunion. There will be something special at the All Class/School Reunion this year so be sure to check out my October blog.
Until next month please remember to keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, remember to renew membership and remain active. If you are currently not a member, please consider joining. You can go to our website at www.wintersetalumni.org and sign up for membership as well as finding out about the Association.
A final item of importance to alumni is please only use the web site that is for our alumni association. There is a site that some have gotten on which says it is the Winterset Alumni site. This is incorrect so please do not sign up for their products or membership. This web address is www.alumniclass.com/winterset. Please AVOID this site.
Rod Beem, President