March has arrived, Day Light Savings Time started and the snow in Winterset is finally melting. Looks like the weather has finally turned for the better and warm temps are here to stay. Time to get outdoors and enjoy! With that in mind, don’t forget to get back to Winterset this year if you are far away. Your classmates who live in Winterset would really like to bond once again and show you the changes in your “home town.”
The latest issue of the Husky was sent out a couple of weeks ago via e-mail and postal service. Once again, Carol Bassett, and our writers, have provided a newsletter that really should be up for an award! Isn’t it great to be part of an Alumni organization that has such a great newsletter with articles for all to enjoy. If you see or talk with Carol, please give her the praise she deserves for her editorship.
Your Board will be looking into a project for the schools and discuss ideas at our next board meeting in April. After a project has been selected, I will inform you as to the project and funding needed, if any. As an Alumni Association of the Winterset School District, we want to keep working for and with the District to help with projects and let them know that WHS Alumni are proud to remain a viable asset for the students, District, and community.
If you are having a class reunion this year, be sure to get current addresses from Billie Jo at the Administration Office and also let her know of classmates addresses which need to be updated. Your help will enable the Alumni Association to be current for mailings and contact information for alumni.
Until next month please remember to keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, remember to renew membership and remain active. If you are currently not a member, please consider joining. You can go the our website at and sign up for membership.
Rod Beem