President’s Blog, July 2016

The President’s Blog will not be on a monthly basis but will be posted at various times throughout the year, especially when there is specific information for members. This month my blog will be focusing on membership.

It is RENEWAL TIME! Post cards have been mailed to members reminding you that it is now time to re-up your membership if you are a yearly member. Please also contact classmates and remind them to renew membership or start a membership if they currently do not belong. Each issue of the alumni newsletter (HUSKY) has membership information which also can be found on the Alumni Website. Speaking of the Alumni newsletter, the June issue has been sent out to members and once again it is an outstanding newsletter. I want to give a special thank you to all the contributors for articles and also to the publisher, Carol Bassett, who does an outstanding job coordinating the HUSKY.

As you read this months’ HUSKY please note of all of the class reunions scheduled for this year with the majority of them being around the Covered Bridge Festival in October. Remember that every WHS alumni is cordially invited to attend the All Class Reunion during the Festival weekend. I will provide more information in my next blog about the Festival weekend.

During the next Alumni Board meeting in August board officers will be elected and some may be retiring. If you are interested in being on the Board, please contact me or another board member who are listed in the Husky. New members are always welcome!!!!!

Until my next blog keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, renew your membership and remain active. If you are currently not a member, please consider joining. You can go to our website at and sign up as well as find out about the Association.

A continuing item of importance to alumni is to please only use the web site that is for our association. There is a site that some have gotten on which says it is the Winterset Alumni site. This is incorrect so please do not sign up for their products or membership. The web address for this “false site” is Please avoid this site.
Rod Beem, President