Renewal time! Post cards have been mailed to yearly members reminding you to send in dues for the upcoming membership drive. Please remain a member and enjoy the knowledge that you are a vital part of the Winterset Alumni Association. If you have a classmate who is not currently a member, please get them to sign up. Membership information can be found in each issue of the Husky and also on the Alumni website.
I want to recognize the current board members who work diligently to keep this organization one of the best. Without them volunteering at events, as well as providing insight with new ideas, it would be difficult to keep the organization moving forward. Current board members include: Jim Smith, Vice President, Linda Kelly, Secretary, Laurel Scholten, Treasurer, Tom Bass, Marilyn Fairholm, Linda Johnson, Judy Trask, RoxAnn Rhoads, John LaFratte, Micki Ustler, Jim Van Werden, Ron Tayor, and Jennifer Stover. Other valuable individuals who help keep us going are: Carol Bassett, Husky Editor; Julie Feier, Website Manager; and Billi Jo Akers Hartman, the Staff Liason from the Winterset Administration. Equally important are our contributing writers Debbie Holliday and Vicki Minor, as well as ALL alumni who write and submit their own stories. Thank you!
Until next month please remember to keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, remember to renew membership and remain active. If you are currently not a member, please consider joining. You can go to our website at and sign up for membership as well as finding out about the Association.
A final item of importance to alumni is please only use the web site that is for our alumni association. There is a site that some have gotten on which says it is the Winterset Alumni site. This is incorrect so please do not sign up for their products or membership. This email address is Please avoid this site.
Rod Beem, President