President’s Blog, January 2021

Welcome to 2021. 2020 is behind us and hopefully this year will bring us to a “new normal”.  The Alumni Association is still very much a part of our lives. The officers have kept their positions and are working to maintain the organization in lieu of COVID concerns. There will be plans to move forward with the All-Class Reunion in October along with the Bridge Festival (if this event takes place).

When you return to Winterset, be sure to check out changes to your community. The John Wayne Museum complex has plans to expand the building, the Madison County Historical Museum has new displays for you to enjoy, the current High School has a new gym and a lot of updates to the classrooms. There is a mural depicting Winterset history on the walls of the east alley opposite the Courthouse, store fronts around the square have new businesses, the city park has a new limestone entryway along with many more changes to your “hometown”.   So, plan a visit when possible.

Many class reunions where cancelled in 2020 and perhaps those and others will happen this year.  Be sure to check with your class officers about a reunion and remember that reunions are listed in the HUSKY newsletter. One area of concern is individuals requesting phone numbers of classmates.  The Alumni Association Policy is not to provide them due to privacy concerns. We do not have updated phone numbers and/or addresses for all WHS alumni.   If you need to find a “lost” classmate there are other means to find them: other classmates, class president/secretary or other social media outlets.  Please do not expect the Alumni Association liaison personnel to have that information.  Your understanding of this matter is appreciated.

WHS Alumni Association renewal post cards will soon be mailed to over 5,000 alumni.  If you have not paid your dues for the year, please do so.  Dues collected are dedicated to keeping your Association ongoing for many more years.  Expenses for the Association include; production and mailing of the Husky three times per year, the All Class Reunion and other expenses.   Also, if you have a classmate who is not a member, please try to have them join.  The WHS Alumni Association has been in existence since bylaws were adopted in 1990 and keeping the Association going until the next century would be awesome.

Please remember to keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, renew your membership and remain active.   If you are currently not a member, please consider joining.  You can go to our website at and sign up as well as find out about the Association.


Rod Beem, President