Welcome to 2015 from the Winterset Alumni board members. Isn’t it wonderful to be WHS alumni looking forward to happenings for this year for your school, classmates and your family. Your alumni association works diligently to provide you with newsletters, events and contact information for class reunions. With that in mind, I want to update you on a few items of interest to alumni concerning web sites and membership renewals.
The very first concern deals with a website that is not affiliated with the WHS Alumni Association. We have been told that this website has asked (some of) its members to upgrade to a Life membership to access everything. For a fee. If you receive an inquiry from this site, please ignore and delete from your computer. Carol Basset, the Husky Editor has previously informed members in a past Husky Newsletter about this website, but it is now time to remind you not to go to this website. The site is www.alumniclass.com/winterset. This site is bogus!!!
The only official web site for alumni to use is www.wintersetalumni.org. This site provides you with updated information about our organization and contact information for membership. You can also contact Billi Jo Akers at bakers@winterset.k12.ia.us for membership information. Dues payments can be mailed to: WHS Alumni Association PO Box 30 Winterset, IA 50273.
The next newsletter will be mailed out in February and I hope that more alumni choose to accept it via email. This will help in production costs and mailing costs. Responses back from current alumni choosing this method has been very positive, so please consider this method. We had over 400 members go email for the December issue and 850 for postal mailings. It would be great if we could be at least 50/50 for the February issue. Please consider this possibility!
Until next month please remember to keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS and remain active.
Rod Beem