The Alumni Board recently met and I want to provide Alumni and friends with an update from that meeting. We are certainly fortunate to have members of the Board who are proactive and willing to keep our organization moving forward.
At the meeting, there was an election of officers for this year and board members renewing their commitment to the Association. Officers for this year are: Rod Beem, President, Jim Smith, Vice President, Linda Kelly Secretary and Connie Miller, Treasurer. Additionally, your other Board members are: RoxAnn Rhoads, Linda Johnson, John LaFratte, Judy Trask, Jim VanWerden, Marilyn Fairholm, Marilee Burk, Randy Henry, Paige Henry, Jennifer Stover. Additional support personnel include, Carol Bassett (Husky Editor), Julie Feirer (Web Master), and Billi Jo Hartman (Administration Liaison). When you see these Board members, please thank them for their service to the Alumni. If you would like to become a member of the Board, just contact one of us and we will welcome you as a member.
Plans are being finalized for having the All Class Reunion this October during the Bridge Festival. We were not able to have one in 2020 due to COVID. The location for the Reunion will once again be at the Jackson Building on the fair grounds from 5:00pm until 8:30pm. Food will be available at 5:30 with a free will donation accepted. Jo Agan will be the provider for food. Beverages will also be available.
In addition to having an opportunity to meet with fellow classmates and friends, Carol Basset will once again be taking pictures throughout the evening. Special this year will be a table set up for you to look through old Boomerangs, tapes of past football games from the Mac and Mel era , and a book to purchase on the history of Madison County.
As we get back into a “new normal”, the Board has decided to take time off from the Alumni Hospitality Room that is usually located at the F&M Bank Community Room on Saturday of the Bridge Festival. Decision was made due to low attendance over the past few years at this venue. We will revisit this decision for 2022.
As we progress through 2021, your Board is also looking at a possible Alumni Project for the School District. Our last major project was the trophy case at the HS that was donated by Alumni a few years ago. More information will be provided to you when a decision is made as to the new project.
One last item for Alumni to know, the Old High School on Washington has been sold and the developer plans to turn it into apartments. Keep updated on various Winterset websites.
Please remember to keep in contact with classmates, plan your next class reunion, support WHS, renew your membership and remain active. If you are currently not a member, please consider joining. You can go to our website at and sign up as well as find out about the Association.
Rod Beem, President